
An internship is a structured, supervised work experience that enables students to gain practical, professional exposure to a particular career field. The Chirico Career Center operates as a clearinghouse for the paperwork and process and is not involved in the direct placement of students in internships. Students are responsible for researching and selecting potential internship positions and initiating contact with employers. The Chirico Career Center can support students through individual coaching sessions and through various resources provided by the center.

Credit Registration Procedures

Students are responsible for making all arrangements for academic credit in advance of the start of the internship. Follow these steps and check in with your career coach to ensure that you have met all requirements and deadlines:

  1. Obtain the internship
  2. Contact the Faculty Contact from the department most closely aligned to your internship to seek approval of the internship as eligible for credit and secure a faculty sponsor
  3. Register for coinciding internship course by registration deadline
  4. Come to Slavin 108 to gain access to the online Learning Agreement via FriarHub and submit by the Friday, September 20th.
  5. ***PCSB STUDENTS ONLY: Visit our PCSB Internship Process Page for detailed information. Contact Tess White with any questions!***

Fall/Spring Internships – Requirements for Credit

  • Juniors and seniors in good academic standing are eligible to earn internship credit
  • Academic internships are one semester, offer 3 credits, require 8-12 work hours per week, may include a seminar and most courses allow both pay and credit
  • Internship course descriptions are in the online Undergraduate Catalog
  • Internships require a faculty supervisor who oversees academic components and a site supervisor who oversees work at the site and both supervisors evaluate internship performance
  • Students must complete a Site Evaluation for Academic Internship/Field Experiences

Please contact your career coach if you have questions:

The Chirico Career Center

Slavin Center 108
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm