The Chirico Career Center

Five smiling students stand in front of the Chirico Career Center

The Chirico Career Center

Discerning and Preparing for Who You Will Be

The Chirico Career Center at Providence College partners with all students to help them identify, enhance and accomplish their career development, internship, job search and educational goals in their transition from college to career. We work with students to discover their passions, develop professional skills, and then find where their passion, skills and the market intersect. We believe it is there that you find a life of meaning and purpose. We believe that work is part of a meaningful life, and that having a “good job” and “doing what you love” are not mutually exclusive.

Career Coaches in the Chirico Career Center assist students in identifying and executing individualized game plans which increase the likelihood that their passions, their skills and the market will intersect.

Don’t Wait… Slavin 108!

Class of 2023 Outcomes

97% of the graduates of the Class of 2023 were either employed and/or in graduate school within six months of graduating from PC:

  • 70% were employed only
  • 16% were attending school only
  • 9% were employed and attending school
  • 88% are in the field they want
  • 95% indicated participation in internships or career appropriate experiences

Did You Know?

  • 1275+ students attend our annual Fall Career EXPO
  • 2,400 alumni are members of FriarLink, PC’s online networking platform
  • 700+ students have received Microsoft certification in Excel, Excel Expert or PowerPoint

Donate to the Veritas Funded Internship Program, select the “Other” category and specify PC Funded Internships as your gift designation. Our students appreciate your support!

The Chirico Career Center

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-6:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Slavin 108