PCSB Internship Process

Providence College School of Business (PCSB) majors: accountancy, finance, management, and marketing must gain prior approval to register for major-specific internship course. Students must complete the following steps to receive credit for business internships.

Students are only eligible to register for and receive credit for the course(s) below, regardless of internship industry. You take the course aligned with your major. Please note, this course is pass/fail, and cannot be applied to any business requirements. 450 courses are considered a free elective. Students can only apply up to six credit hours toward their 120-credit hour degree requirement.

Students who want to continue with the same internship provider, the second internship must have either different or increased responsibilities and approved by the Chirico Career Center and their internship instructor.

Fall and Spring Courses

  • ACC 450 – accounting majors only
  • FIN 450 – finance majors only
  • MGT 450 – management and marketing majors only
  • BUS 450 – study abroad internships only

Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Internship Instructors:

  • Accounting – Steve Perrault | sperreau@providence.edu
  • Finance – Paul Scanlon | pscanlo1@providence.edu
  • Management and Marketing – Joe Gemma | jgemma@providence.edu

Internship Courses – Summer

  • MGT 450 – finance, management, and marketing
  • ACC 450 – accountancy
  • BUS 450 – study abroad internships

PCSB Internship Requirements

Internship requirements vary by major. Please see the major internship handbooks for specific internship requirements.

Internship Approval Processes

Step 1: Obtain an internship and confirm with the company that the internship can be for credit.

Step 2: Contact PCSB Career Coach, Tess White to review learning agreement process, deadlines, and FriarHub learning agreement instructions. If Career Coach is not available, contact Laura Pellecchia.

Step 3: Review course syllabus information about completing the learning agreement pre-worksheet PRIOR to submitting their final learning agreement in FriarHub.  

Step 4: Fill out learning agreement on FriarHub.

Step 5: Learning agreement receives approvals from internship site supervisor, NS faculty instructor. Steps must be completed by Friday, September 20th (no exceptions) to be enrolled for the Fall 2024. The Chirico Career Center will help to ensure that the Internship instructor approves via FriarHub.

Step 6: Once the learning agreement is approved, an employee from the PCSB Undergraduate Office will register the student for the internship course. The FriarHub status for the internship will be marked as completed.

Step 7: Check to ensure schedule reflects registration for the course. Work with faculty supervisor on any specific course expectations.

Petition Process

Students who receive a late offer of an internship and are required by their employer to be registered for an internship course, must petition to be accepted into the internship course late. Additionally, any student who does not complete the process, as outlined above, by the end of week three (fall and spring) and week one summer II (summer), will need to petition for an extension, which should include a dated offer letter/email.

The petition should be submitted to the PCSB dean designee, Dr. Jacqueline Elcik, Senior Associate Dean, jelcik@providence.edu, and students should include the following as part of their petition:

  • Letter or email offer for the internship, that must be dated after the third week of classes.
  • Rationale for why you need the internship course, and why you are requesting a late add.


Questions about internships:

Questions about internship registration:

Internship petitions:

The Chirico Career Center

Slavin Center 108
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm