Parents and Families

What We Do for Your Students

Career Coaches assist students in identifying and executing individualized game plans which increase the likelihood that their passions, their skills, and the market will intersect. A typical game plan will include many, if not all, of the following, and will be repeated through the four years of college, and throughout life.

Self-Insight & Exploration

  • Students uncover their passions and skills, and discuss majors, jobs, careers, and market prospects with career coaches
  • StrenghtsFinder 2.0 online assessment is used to identify students’ “Top 5”
  •  Career partners provide first-hand insider knowledge about the markets they are in, including advanced degrees needed; help students network; provide professional perspective; and reinforce the insight of career coaches
  • Who am I? What am I naturally good at? What do I love to read, learn, do?

Market Readiness

Students will feel confident in their readiness to enter the professional realm or professional school and will be able to articulate this through narrative

  • Fellowships, research projects, interview preparation for jobs and professional school, and career/graduate school document prepare examples of ways students are prepared to enter the market
  • What is needed in the world that I might have/offer?

Professional Skills

Experiential Development: Learning experiences outside the classroom that enhance classroom learning, build skills, and foster professionalism

  • Internships, work study positions, summer/part-time jobs, leadership positions and programs, athletics, community service, clubs/organizations, and undergraduate research

Skills Gap Development: Workshops and certificate programs supplement students’ academic experiences, making them more employable and better equipped to pursue the lives they want

  • Excel, public speaking, data analytics
  • What skills do I need to live the life I want to live? What have I already learned/practiced? Where/how might I further develop the skills I need?

The Chirico Career Center

Slavin Center 108
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm